Thursday, December 2, 2010


I have decided that I need to make some changes around here. I've been thinking for a while about the things that I can do to make this blog a better place for anyone who reads it and for myself as the poster.

I talked in yesterday's post about how surprisingly significant of a day Monday ended up being. It's weird nothing changed IRL, but still I'm pretty heart broken about it. That day also got me thinking and I decided that I needed to make some changes with my own blog.

The first thing I've decided that I will no longer post about sports on this blog. It is an important part of my life. I'm an unabashed fan of sports, but I feel that the two sports posts a week clash with the rest of what I'm trying to do. Also, I don't really want to turn some one off, because I have two straight posts about sports. I also don't want someone to think this is exclusively about sports and then end up getting posts about my adoration of The Cookie Monster.

Don't fret if you are a fan of my sports posts. They aren't going away for good, I'm going to start another blog that is sports specific. I hope to have it it viewable by everyone on Sunday, December 5th. It will still be a work in progress, but I'm really liking the title I came up with*. I'd like to have other contributors to that blog. We'll have to see where that goes.

Obviously this means that Buckeye Sunday and Browns' Monday will no longer exist here. Gaming Tuesday and Random Wednesday will remain. Gaming doesn't exactly fit the mold either, but I feel like it is much closer than the frequent sports' posts.

I also have decided to end daily posts. I shouldn't have to make posts about how much I don't want to post. So, I'm going to end any feelings of obligation of having to post every day. I don't posting will ever become sparse on here, but I think fewer posts should improve quality. Also taking away those two theme posts with a template would make it that much more difficult to come up with something decent everyday.

I'm going to work to improve the interface as well. I want to try to make it a easier to find posts on certain topics. So, expect to see some new things and some construction projects around here. I'm not really proficient with HTML, but am trying to learn a few things.

Thanks for reading and please comment.

*You'll have to wait to see what it is. Although it may already be listed in my profile, but if it is, you can't see the blog yet. It is super exclusive ;)

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