Monday, August 9, 2010

Browns' Monday

Preseason football is generally one the most disappointing things for me and it gets me every year. I'm like "fuck yeah... football... oh wait." I'm always excited like that for the Hall of Fame game and it just kinda sucks. The first string never plays that much, so it's just a bunch of bench warmers, and practice squad guys in a horrible, rusty, penalty and turnover plagued game. Even when the starters are in, it's pretty clear that they don't really give a damn, and why should they?

I watched the first few series of the game last night, then just switched to something else. I would like to make some grand inference about what that game means for the regular season, but it doesn't mean anything.

The Browns open their preseason on Saturday at Green Bay. I know I just went on a rant about how annoying the preseason is, but I will watch this game in its entirety, because with the Browns I actually care who the 3rd string *insert position here* is going to be. I want to get my first impressions of the Browns' rookies. Of course, in preseason the result means nothing, so it's a weird way to watch a football game. It's always nice to see the Browns win, but it just doesn't really matter. I've seen the Browns go 3-1 in the preseason and do shitty in the regular season and I've seen them go 0-4 in the preseason and do shitty in the regular season.

So, I guess the Moral is that Browns are going to be shitty, but I still love 'em.

Thanks for reading and please comment.


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